Up to Breath

He joined the party as soon as the last guest left.

I woke up this morning and couldn’t go back to sleep.  Decided it was time to blog. I have not had a chance to respond to the recent comments on my blog but I will soon.  They really moved me.

I feel like I can breath now and have the desire to sit down and write finally. Had to make it through a huge birthday party. The stress was overwhelming to say the least. More people in my home at once than ever before. I wanted to see everyone that came and visit with them–just not all at once. Also felt like a coming out party of sorts for me since the question, “What is it that you have again?” came up when I was sitting down to eat.  Some at the party know that I have been dealing with RA symptoms and pain, while others that are good friends are completely clueless.

I have actually been feeling pretty good lately.   I’ve been taking a hot epsom/sea salt bath in the morning now and dry brushing my skin, finally making regular massage therapy appointments and noticing that DHEA has definitely boosted my energy. For now, I feel comfortable continuing with what is working. I am also rebounding on a mini trampoline to stimulate my lymph system, among many other bodily systems.

Dealing with a strange rash around my breast area for few weeks now.  It is in spots and patches of varying sizes and isn’t raised. They biopsied a piece of skin on my breast last week. The stitches fell out two days later and weren’t supposed to be removed for another week and a half.  Girl that stitched me was in training.  I am not even going to go there right now regarding this incident. Lab report came back as probably dermatitis. My Dr. decided to put a patch on my back for two days to test me for 29 different allergens.  I thought the whole process was somewhat ridiculous, but insurance was actually paying for this, so I went along. Maybe something was ticking my skin off.  If so, I thought it would be good to find out.  I did not react to anything.

I have also had an ELISA/ACT test done in the past to test for allergens.  (More about that someday.) I did find an interesting study on pub med about rare RA related skin rashes and found pictures on a John Hopkins site.  It’s not going away and is spreading in patches down my trunk.  All the Dr. could do was offer a steroid cream.  So not happy about this.  It doesn’t itch and I don’t even know it’s there unless I’m looking at it.  But like I said, it’s not going away.

On another note, I finally made a decision about my current rheumatologist. He’s getting the boot! I called my Dr.’s office this morning and asked for a follow-up appointment with the “nice” and thorough rheumatologist. I now have an appointment to see him next week. I have not spoken with him since November of last year when he was filling in for my Dr. and did a boat load of bloodwork.